What is a hot lead?

How do you see which of your followers - or leads - are active in Knips and how do you interpret a score?

Lilja M. H. Guthu avatar
Written by Lilja M. H. Guthu
Updated over a week ago

Before you call a new lead, or perhaps consider contacting one or more leads who have been on the list for a while, you can see if they are active in Knips. This often gives a good indication of the interest the person has in the project, given that updates have been posted recently. This is how you go about finding the information 😊

First, open the Knips app either on your mobile, or on web.knips.app. You then access the feed for the selected project. When you are in the feed of the selected project, press "Contacts".

You will now get a list of all the contacts for the project. These are automatically sorted by their score, but there are other shortcuts to sorting the list as well.

Leads are scored according to how active they are, what they do on the feed and when they do it. The score is updated every day, both up and down. It will therefore give a good snapshot of which leads are hot now.

If they have a score of 0, they have not acted on any information sent. This usually happens with some, depending on the quality of the leads. Perhaps they didn't mean to register an interest, or have changed their minds. Otherwise, they are too new, and have only had time to receive a welcome message which they have not clicked. Check back a little later. After a while, if they still do not look at anything that is sent, Knips will automatically recommend setting that these are ignored for new updates.

If you have round shortcut buttons, you can click the "Leads" shortcut to remove buyers and contributors from the list. You will then get a sorted list of leads you might want to look at, in order with the highest score at the top.

If you are unsure how to read a score, you will often understand the level by looking at the activity of those at the top of the list and whether they seem applicable to contact. You will also understand it better by looking at them over time. Perhaps it is too early to read the score, if the feed is too new or there have been few updates. Then you should post a little more to differentiate more between the leads. When Knips thinks that a lead should be looked at, it is marked Hot. It can happen with a lot of activity in a short time, or with steady, good activity over a longer period of time.

If you want in-depth insight into a specific lead you can click on a specific contact to see this contacts's activity card.

Good luck!

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